Our goal

About Graffiti Culture
We are working towards our ultimate goal: a dynamic and sustainable alternative space for art, heritage and education, based on the street. A physical location where we can show the history of graffiti culture through objects and stories from the Dutch Graffiti Library collection. In addition, we create an environment that offers opportunities for the current underground and its exponents.

Accessible to the public and science
The Dutch Graffiti Library Foundation is responsible for making its collection accessible to the public and science by means such as:

The Foundation is convinced that the Dutch Graffiti Library collection can be of great added value to research and in historical education. That it can inspire and contribute to the effective dissemination of knowledge about the graffiti culture or derivatives of this culture. The Foundation serves as a knowledge platform and modern library and will make the Dutch Graffiti Library collection accessible to education professionals, museums, researchers, incrowd and other interested people. The Foundation strives for cooperation within the graffiti culture and embraces the DIY (Do It Yourself) mentality.

If you would like to support our Foundation and help us realize our ultimate goal the DGL physical library where we can share our knowledge with art students, school teachers, researchers and other interested people and where we will ensure more than 35-years of graffiti heritage please donate! If you want to support our aim to create a world map of ‘graffiti heritage’ to preserve graffiti art and the stories of graffiti culture, please donate.

Your donation to the Foundation is an investment in your community, as well as a contribution to the long-term growth of the library. To donate, please contact us and you will receive a gift in return.